Aqua-Tek’s “Bug-Tek”
is an insecticide with a completely new formula. If it comes into contact with
the skin or is swallowed or inhaled, its toxicity is greatly reduced. It is
non-flammable and odourless. It also offers insect anti-fungal properties.
Bug-Tek can be used inside the house, boat, or RV. It is also safe to use
around pets.
disintegrates quickly when it meets living organisms, but is very resistant
when applied to inorganic surfaces. This is why it remains efficient for a long
time, without any risk of it infiltrating the food chain or affecting the
Bug-Tek lasts for a
long time on inanimate surfaces indoors and outdoors. It will continue to kill
bugs for about 4-6 weeks. After this it will still continue to do its job, but
because it has now begun its biodegradability process, it will start to be less
effective. As soon as it meets organic matter (humans, soil, water, plants) it
degrades rapidly and completely in function of the temperature and leaves
nothing behind. All cold-blooded animals are sensitive to Bug-Tek, therefore
aquariums and terrariums must be well covered before the use of Bug-Tek around
Bug-Tek can be used
as an insecticide or an anti-parasitic agent in homes, public buildings,
hospitals, retirement homes, schools, hotels, restaurants, businesses, museums,
stores and offices. In other words, Bug-Tek can be used anywhere you might find
bugs. - 1L trigger spray bottle
- water-based
- effective on cold-blooded insects, crawling and flying
- odourless
- will not stain most fabrics
- no sticky residue
- non-flammable
- for both indoor
and outdoor use
- active ingredient: permethrin 0.25%
Works Against: - Spiders
- Mosquitoes
- Flies
- Ants
- Grasshoppers
- Aphids
- Ladybugs
- Bed Bugs
- Mites
- Caterpillars
- Centipedes
- Moths
- Cockroaches
- Silverfish
- Earwigs
- Flat-Bugs
- Termites
- Fleas
- Ticks