We can special order other ranges and stove top products from Force 10, Eno, Dickinson and Seaward. Please contact the store with the model(s) you would like a quotation for.
FORCE 10 2-BURNER RANGES(w/BROILER).by FORCE 10 All Ranges include one Rapid (9200 BTU) top burner and one Auxiliary (3400 BTU) simmer burner and a thermostatically controlled oven with a broiler. Standard safety features include; thermocouple prot...more
The Chandlery #: FORCE 10 2-BURNER RANGES
FORCE 10 3-BURNER RANGES(w/BROILER).by FORCE 10 All Ranges include one Rapid (9200 BTU) top burner and two Auxiliary (3400 BTU) simmer burners and a thermostatically controlled oven with a broiler. Standard safety features include; thermocouple pro...more
The Chandlery #: FORCE 10 3-BURNER RANGES
FORCE 10 4-BURNER RANGES(w/BROILER).by FORCE 10 Both models include one Rapid (9200 BTU) top burner and three Auxiliary (3400 BTU) simmer burners and a thermostatically controlled oven with a broiler. Standard safety features include; thermocouple ...more
SOLVABLE METHYL HYDRATE Solvable Professional Grade Methyl Hydrate is a 99.9% pure versatile product with multiple cleaning and thinning uses. It also has a low freeze point which makes it suitable for many de-icing applicat...more
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